mushroom online course

The advantages of an online mushroom course

The advantages of an online mushroom course

It was December 2018, when we had to move module 1 of our online mushroom course from our previous platform. We were running the course on a WordPress site with a membership plugin based on WishList Member™. For some reason, the site got hacked and our customers could not log in.

We moved to Kajabi and uploaded all the content in a hurry. Since then, we have done little maintenance to this course. With all the corona issues around us, we found time to do some catching up on this module. 

Next to that we also made a change to the pricing of this course. We went from €350,- to €249,- for this highly informative course.

The big advantage of getting in an online mushroom course, is that you can stay up to date. We commit to continuously updating our courses with the latest information. Last week, we made the following changes to Module 1.

* We have updated the Life cycle of the mushroom to Module 1 | Part 1 | Basics on ingredients and mushrooms in the lesson on Mushroom Bio. You can find it in the download section of that lesson.

* We have added our free ebook on preventing contamination in Mushroom Cultivation to Module 1 | Part 1 | Basics on ingredients and mushrooms in the lesson on Hygiene. You can find it in the download section of that lesson.

* We have added a file that we use for our workshops to Module 1 | Part 2 | Substrate ingredients in the lesson on straw pasteurization. You can find it in the download section of that lesson.

* We have added several sources to buy spawn from to Module 1 | Part 2 | Substrate ingredients in the lesson on spawn. You can find the info in the general section of that lesson.

* We have added links to our latest blog post and video about making perforated substrate bags to Module 1 | Part 3 | Substrate preparation in the lesson on bags. You can find the info in the general section of that lesson.

* We have added a timeline of the different stages of growth in your mushroom farm to Module 1 | Part 4 | Incubation and fruiting in the lesson on Incubation. You can find it in the download section of that lesson.

* We have added an overview of the required conditions in de growing and fruiting rooms to Module 1 | Part 4 | Incubation and fruiting in the lesson on Fruiting. You can find it in the download section of that lesson.

* We have added our latest insight on preventing the drying of mushrooms while they are in the fridge to Module 1 | Part 5 | Harvest package and store in the lesson on store. You can find the description in the general section and an example in the download section of that lesson.

* We have added a course wrap-up at the end of the course. There we shared our ebook “Our Mushroom Substrate Recipes” for free. You can find it in the download section of that lesson. We have also added some information on Facebook support groups you can join.

We informed our members and now we also inform you about these changes. We wanted to let you know that we continue to update the material in this course as we learn new things.

Our new farm in the city center of Rotterdam, has been operational since June 2019. The things we learn will be added to this course.

Are you considering to begin an urban mushroom project? Module 1 is a great way to get started AND stay up to date.

Update => from 2024 we move all our e-learning courses to Thinkific and shopify and we have lowered the price for module 1 to €99


During 2024 we want to launch module 3 and 4

More info on our online mushroom course

Reading next

How to start a mushroom farm
Perforated bags for mushroom cultivation

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